


photography is a subject that fascinates me, but I never delved too deeply into. nevertheless, here are some photos that I took using my iPhoneX and edited using VSCO. these are photos of the world around me, my experiences, and the small details that I noticed. enjoy!

see more at: www.vsco.co/rgokhale


During my time at HealthCorps, I was also given the responsibility of photographing some of the activities that HealthCorps does in classrooms across the nation. I visited several schools and took pictures to use for promotional and advertising purposes. Below, you will find some of my favorite pictures I took. The kids were so great about being photographed and it was really amazing to see the emotions that play out on the kids’ faces during the HealthCorps lesson that was in progress. I also found that these classroom environments had so much potential to take promotional photographs that were not of the kids. For example, the chalkboard, or the pictures of the paint-stained desk would be really great for a back to school related campaign. This is how I decided what to photograph while in the room. Enjoy!