
architecture experience

architecture experience

In the summer of 2015, I attended the embARC Summer Design Academy at UC Berkeley. It was a four week summer design program at UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design that brings together high school students from diverse backgrounds to explore architecture, urban design and sustainable city planning through integrated components: an Architecture + Urban Design Studio, a Sustainable City Planning Workshop, an Environmental Design Conversation Series and a Community Build project. It was through this camp that I gained my first look into the design process. 

Below are pictures of my project from this camp: design and create a model of an installment for a park. The first 5 images are my preliminary model of the bare park. The rest of the images are of the model of the installment I designed.

In the summer of 2016, I interned at an architecture company in New York called FZAD Architecture + Design. I was able to work under one of the lead architects and was given the project of Haven's Kitchen. FZAD was re-designing their rooftop and their basement. They sent me to take field measurements. Using those field measurements, I then had to create floor plans for the basement/rooftop design (using basic AutoCAD) as well as mockups of what the final rooftop would look like (using Google SketchUp). 

Below are the final plans and mockups: